Debbie Dunn conducted her Be Bully Free program in a Georgia school and five East Tennessee schools since the school year began. She tells three stories to the whole school that teaches coping-with-bullies skills. The stories also focuses on the importance of practicing your talents and skills instead of bullying. This is followed by a 2-hour workshop with 49 target students who will put on the one-size fits all poncho costumes and perform a 7-act play for the entire school, parents, and press that afternoon. The play is called “No Bullies in the Kingdom.” Finally, the teachers are provided with a learning CD of all kinds of follow-up activities to continue to reinforce the concepts learned about victims of bullying, witnesses of bullying, and bullies. Debbie is willing to travel anywhere to conduct this program for negotiable rates. For more information, please visit http://moredunntales.com/id5.html
Debbie’s 2nd novel was published in December of 2009 called White Reindeer, Kudzu Monster, & Other Tales Of Wonder. For more information about this book, please visit http://askdjlyons.com. Her first novel called The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist was published in March 2008. For more information about this book, please visit http://bellwitchunveiled.com. Both books were written under her pen name of DJ Lyons.
Lastly, Debbie has the honor of being the School Conflict Resolution Examiner for Examiner.com at the national level. She posts free stories, role-plays, articles, and lesson plans on the topics of bullying, conflict resolution, and character education from the curriculum she created from 1998 to 2003 called 3 C’s: Character Education, Conflict Resolution, Communication Skills. Feel free to use any of these articles, stories, and role-plays with the young people in your life. Please visit http://www.examiner.com/x-16041-School-Conflict-Resolution-Examiner. She also writes articles for Associated Content.com, eHOW.com, and other sites.