This is the book cover for the 1990 out-of-print book that I self-published under my former married name: Debbie Rauch. My illustrator was Dusty Araujo.
When I was in 5th grade, in 1969, one of my school friends died on the last day of school. She was hit by a car and died instantly. It was my first real experience with death. My friends and I were very upset and confused. Six years earlier, in 1963, one fifth-grade girl and three eighth-grade girls died in a church in Birmingham , Alabama . They were killed by a bomb.
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More About The Author:
Professional Storyteller Debbie Dunn has been telling stories and teaching storytelling since 1989. For more information on her Storytelling and Workshop offerings, please visit her Storytelling Website at http://moredunntales.com. She is the author of "The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist" written under her pen name of DJ Lyons. This book was published in March of 2008. For more information about this Bell Witch book, her one-woman show based on this book, or to purchase the book using Pay Pal, please visit her Bell Witch Website at http://bellwitchunveiled.com. Her next book is due to be published later in 2009. It is titled "White Reindeer, Kudzu Monster, & Other Tales Of Wonder," also written under her pen name of DJ Lyons. For more information about this book, please visit her Ask DJ Lyons Website at http://askdjlyons.com.